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You might not be called to foster, but you can use your gifts and talents to serve those around you who do foster. As Christ-followers, we know that we have been adopted by God (Ephesians 1:5) and that we are each in turn called to care for the fatherless (James 1:27) Friends, as the hand and feet of Christ, it is time for us to do better. As one blog post writer wrote,

“The Gospel is not passive “thoughts and prayers.” It’s not warm feelings of half-hearted charity. It’s not “maybe one day” or “I could never.” It’s uncomfortable, sacrificial, for-the-long-haul love. It means following through with our bold cry for the sanctity of life with day-in and day-out action. It means laying down our own comforts, desires, and opinions to lift up our hurting neighbors in times of crisis. It means caring that there are children all over our city, state, country, and planet without beds and then actually doing something about it. You don’t have to be a foster parent to love and support suffering children, but you should do something.”

There are several ways you can step into the foster and adoption community:


meet with a recruiter and become a foster and adoptive parent


provide meals to foster families


volunteer at your local foster and adoption agency


donate monetarily to foster agencies in your area


donate Christmas gifts for children in foster care


become a CASA or mentor to foster care children


become a licensed respite provider or an approved babysitter to help out with date nights and long weekends

As Christians, we can stand in the gap and help serve children and biological families. When we look at Foster Care as an opportunity to redeem the biological family, we can view it as our ministry to disciple and care for children in a way that glorifies God!

If you’re interested in having a TBHC representative come to your church on Stand Sunday, please each out to ___________________

If you want something to play for your congregation or homegroup to further inspire them, you can visit our YouTube channel below.

written by: Hannah D.

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