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At TBHC, we love to share with your family testimonies. We cannot wait to share this family’s story of adoption. To learn more about adoption, visit our website at

Our adoption journey began in the spring of 2018. Adoption has always been something I have had an interest in. I have always loved adoption stories and longed for my own one day.  One afternoon, my husband, Shelby, and I were on a walk chatting with each other. At the time, our biological children were 17, 14, and 12 years old. On that day, we discussed what life might look like after our children were grown and gone. We knew the time was approaching quickly. It was in that conversation I brought up the idea of adoption.

Like I mentioned before, adoption was not a new thought. However, on that spring day, I felt like it might be our last opportunity. Hence, I threw it out there for my husband to consider. At that moment, I remember thinking that if I did not at least take a step in that direction, I could be missing the Lord’s will for my life. I would rather follow the Lord’s will for my life than have a “comfortable” life. Shelby sensed the Lord might be leading me in this direction even though he had lots of hesitations and doubts himself. Shelby was willing to step into at least finding out more about adoption and the process. So, we did.   We decided to check out the Texas Baptist Home for Children.

At our church, we had met other families who had adopted: one family in particular who had adopted a sibling set of 5! This family was very influential in our decision to adopt and in our decision to go with TBHC.

We also met Dana Holt (Adoption Director at TBHC) through our church. She faithfully walked us through our entire TBHC journey. Along with all of the TBHC staff in which we worked, she was exceptional and accommodating throughout the process.  Our first step with TBHC was an information meeting, which was a summary of how fostering/adoption would go. Following that information meeting, we signed up to begin our classes. We finished the classes that summer. We spent the remainder of the summer and fall working on completing the paperwork and requirements to become licensed. In early December, we completed that process and were licensed to adopt.

In mid-February, we received word that we were being considered for a sibling set of two: a seven-year-old little girl and her five-year-old little brother. After seeking the Lord’s direction, we said yes, and our lives have never been the same since. Our daughter and son came to live with us on May 25, 2019. They officially became part of our family on their adoption day, November 25, 2019.

It has been a wild and wonderful ride. That is not to say it has not been challenging and difficult at times, because it has. However, if we had to do it all over again, we would do it in a heartbeat. Thank you, TBHC, for leading us through this process and helping us complete our family. We are forever grateful.

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