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Big News

Dear Ministry Partner,

Thanks is extended to each of you for supporting and praying for our overall ministry and especially our Ukraine Relief efforts.  The war continues, and we continue to provide aid and supplies.  We pray daily for those involved in delivering the goods, as they remain in dangerous situations. We continue to help 24 villages have 24/7 Kids’ Clubs and are now working on the list for camps.  Even in the Ukraine, the pastors who safely can, will have camps this summer.  God’s work doesn’t stop!

Now for some exciting news.  A few months ago, we were approached with an opportunity that would allow Compassionate Hope to expand our ministry.   My agency, Texas Baptist Home for Children (TBHC), where I have served as a social worker and in various capacities for many, many years, has a desire to expand their ministry to include an international component.  This will not be an adoption ministry, but a ministry to partner with a few select international agencies that serve children.  Being well acquainted with the work in Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine that Compassionate Hope has done these last 13 years, the Executive Team of TBHC felt led to discuss the possibility with us.  Bro. Jason Curry met with the CH board to share the prospect of this merger.  Since Russ died in 2018, with the help of the CH board, and our Missions Pastor, Bro. Garris Baggett, we have done our best to carry on the work.  Of course, we have been through the constraints of COVID during this time, but the ministry has continued.  In fact, our people on the field are currently busier than ever overseeing the work, and now with the Ukraine situation.  God has used us to network services allowing many from the Ukraine to get to safety and render aid to the refugee centers. We are thankful to be able to help.

The Compassionate Hope board, along with myself, can see that merging the ministry with TBHC will be a great opportunity to expand our services.  TBHC has a broader base of churches and supporters, so they will be able to share what we are doing with a larger audience.

With your continued support and combined giving of TBHC, we will be able to provide more Outreach Bible Camps, add to the 24/7 Kids’ Clubs (we have a waiting list of village churches wanting to join us), provide more training to those with whom we have already been working, and reach more children for Christ!

This merger involves a three-year transition plan, with me training workers at TBHC about the ministry, and continuing to be the lead person of the ministry.  Marina, our Regional Coordinator in Moldova, will continue to oversee the ministry there.  We will continue to provide services in Ukraine, Moldova, and Romania, and also be open to other areas as the Lord might lead and funds provide.

This plan will begin on September 1, 2022.  Until that date, donation gifts should continue to be sent as usual, to 

Compassionate Hope

324 Choctaw Trl.

Waxahachie, TX 75165

Beginning September 1, 2022, checks should be made payable to TBHC.  In the next few weeks, we will be mailing you another letter with the address, etc.  Again, thank you for your support and prayers.  Your investment in and prayers for Compassionate Hope have resulted in many children learning of God’s love, and gaining skills to become responsible, productive adults.

For this we thank you, and praise God!



                                                                                                                        Joanna Noggle & Team

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