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What are they?

Random acts of kindness are defined as “simple and selfless acts that show generosity and care towards people in unexpected ways.” These selfless acts can be loving words, good deeds, or a small gift.

As Christians, we are ALL called to be kind by loving and serving others in the hope of sharing God’s love and pointing the way to Christ. Ephesians 4:32 tells us to, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” None of us are deserving of kindness or forgiveness, but God graciously gives it to us because he loves us, and He asks us to do the same for others.

So whether it is Random Acts of Kindness Day or any day, as Christians we should all be doing acts of kindness at home, at work, at school, and out in the community.


While loving others is the main reason for random acts of kindness, there are also benefits to the giver of kindness that are important to note. Some benefits of showing kindness to others are encouraging gratitude, lowering stress, improving mood, and having better relationships. It does not matter whether the act is big or small; it is a fact that doing good always makes a positive difference to both the giver and the receiver. “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 ESV

Family Friendly Acts

Ready to get started as family showing kindness to others? Below are some ideas for random acts of kindness that can be done all together as family. Kindness starts at home and the more it is modeled and practiced, the more likely it is that children will carry on these values into adulthood and their own families someday. Being kind is also fun! Have fun as a family doing something positive for others.

  • Hold a door open for the person behind you.
  • Allow a shopper in the grocery line, fast food line, or anywhere your family goes to move in front of you.
  • Check on an elderly neighbor. You could also do any needed chores around their home.
  • Everyone clean out their closet and donate their old clothes.
  • Volunteer at a nursing home, a shelter, or a soup kitchen as a family.
  • During the holidays, give gifts to a child or family in need. Kids can help shop, deliver, and make cards for the family.
  • Make cards as family and send/leave for others for no reason.
  • Ask for donations to a charity in your family’s name instead of presents for your birthdays.
  • Smile at someone on the street and compliment them.
  • Pay for the car behind you in a drive-through line.
  • Clean up the trash in your neighborhood or local park.
  • Visit a nursing home to bring treats.
  • Write a thank-you note to someone who has impacted your family significantly.
  • Fundraise by participating in a sponsored activity at a local school.
  • Mow the lawn, rake leaves, pull weeds for neighbors who may struggle to do it themselves.
  • Report to a store manager when an associate gives your family excellent service.
  • Cook a meal for a family in need.
  • Adopt a grandparent. Go to a nearby nursing home and find out who does not get visitors or gifts.
  • Leave snacks and refreshments for your delivery drivers.
  • Donate books to your local library or share your favorite books with friends.
  • Leave a surprise in your mailbox for your mail carrier.
  • Write positive messages/notes on sticky notes and leave at places you visit.
  • Donate used towels and blankets to a shelter.
  • Befriend a new family in your neighborhood, school, or church.
  • Put together and ship a care package.

Foster- Friendly Acts

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27 (NIV) We are all called by God to help the widows and the orphans. At TBHC Foster Care & Adoption we believe that He has called our staff, supporters, and volunteers to fight for the protection and preservation of the sanctity of the family. We are in need of foster families who can care for children from all journeys of life and can provide for all of their needs while they await reunification with their biological families or a kinship family can be found. What better way as family to be missionaries for Christ, to show God’s love and kindness here on Earth, than to care for his children when needed.

If this is not your family’s season to foster, below are some ways your family can specifically do some “random” acts of kindness for foster families in your community.

  • Become a primary supporter for a family-volunteer to help provide transportation or provide baby-sitting (this will require some extra work on your part to be certified to do these things, but what a blessing to a foster family!).
  • Check in and listen-Pray with and for a foster family. Pray for the child. Pray for their biological families. Pray for their foster parents. Pray for the biological children of the foster parents. Make and send encouraging cards and notes. Keep reaching out and supporting!
  • Help with the everyday stuff-day to day chores and errands. Do their laundry, mow their yard, go grocery shopping for the family.
  • Bring food-when families get a placement, when they are struggling, or just randomly to show you care. Even a simple coffee for a foster parent with a new placement could be just the boost they need. You could also organize a meal train to get more families involved. Gift cards are also an easy way to do this.
  • Gather supplies-does the family need clothes for a new placement? Diapers? a new bed?—the list goes on. Ask what the family needs and provide. Consider gathering clothing, personal hygiene items, toys, or school supplies.
  • Invite the whole family over for dinner or a playdate.
  • Send a college care package to a youth in college in extended foster care.
  • Drop off gifts or gift cards for foster children to receive on their birthday.
  • Welcome a new placement-deliver a gift or activity that the family could enjoy together during the first week.

Doing random acts of kindness together as family will help your family grow, spread the gospel, bring your family closer together, and also allow for some family fun time! This year, let Random Acts of Kindness Day, start a new family tradition of consistent family random acts of kindness throughout the year.

Make Kindness the Norm” is the goal of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation and on their website, you will find an abundance of resources, activities, and ideas to help celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day, which is on February 17, 2023. On their webpage, The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | Random Acts of Kindness Day 2023, you can download curriculum and print outs for children, and they provide some great ideas for random acts of kindness at school, work, and in the home. In the Kindness at Home section, they provide workbooks for different age groups with ideas, games, and activities to join in the Kindness Challenge—a challenge to complete 10 kindness activities in the next 10 days! This is a great resource for teaching kindness at home and focusing on random acts of kindness you can do together as a family.  Their kindness concepts focus on teaching children respect, caring, inclusiveness, integrity, responsibility, and courage.

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