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AdoptionNational Adoption Month

How to Adopt a Child

By October 27, 2020No Comments

You have decided to start looking into adoption, but where do you even begin. The adoption world is big and there are many options to choose from. Read this blog it will point you in the right direction.

There are multiple adoption opportunities. This first place to start is looking into different options. Overseas adoptions, out of state adoptions, state adoptions, and private infant adoptions are just a few good options to start looking to.

Today, we will be talking about state adoption through the Texas DFPS system and private infant adoptions. TBHC specializes in both of these adoption options. We started our adoption program in 2002 and maintained the expertise of a large adoption agency with the feel of a small agency that will be there with you throughout the entire process. If you are interested in out-of-state adoption or overseas adoption, let us know, and we can point to another trusted agency.

Texas Adoptions through the DFPS system.
    • There are over 7,000 kids available for adoption in Texas.
    • Most of the kids available for adoption are over 9 years old.
    • Kids live in foster care for at least a year before they can be available for adoption. Their parents are working services while they are in foster care. If and when they cannot return home to their families due to abuse and neglect, they become available for adoption.
    • Once they are available, home studies are submitted for kids from different adoption agencies to their DFPS workers.
    • Adoptions through the state of Texas can be free! Here is the info on Texas Adoption Assistance
      • TBHC training and paperwork program to become a verified adoption family are free.
      • There are services such as CPR and First Aid certification and a few other items you will need for your home. Families usually spend $200-$600 preparing their home for foster/adoption children. You will not pay TBHC anything, but you will pay directly to the service provider.
      • When you adopt through the state, and the adoptive child meets certain requirements, you will receive adoption assistance that includes-
        • Medicaid health care coverage
        • Reimbursement for certain one-time expenses relating to completing the adoption process (non-recurring adoption expenses). This benefit provides reimbursement up to $1,200 per adoption for reasonable and necessary adoption expenses directly related to completing the adoption process.
        • Monthly payments to assist with the child’s needs
      • The requirements to receive this assistance-
        • The child is at least six years old.
        • The child is at least two years old and a member of a racial or ethnic group that exits foster care at a slower pace than other racial or ethnic groups.
        • The child is being adopted with a sibling or joining a sibling.
        • The child has a verifiable physical, mental, or emotionally disabling condition, as established by an appropriately qualified professional through a diagnosis that addresses: (a) what the condition is; and (b) that the condition is disabling.
    • Working with an experienced agency like TBHC can be helpful for your adoption journey. TBHC will lead you through the entire process and help match you with children currently available for adoption. Remember, after you become verified to adopt, the matching process can be up to two years, based on the preferences you have for your adoption.
    • TBHC will train you and help you through the matching process. We will submit your home study on children that your family can and wish to parent.
    • The more open your family is to different ages, ethnicities, and certain behaviors, the quicker your adoption match will be.

To inquire about starting the TDFPS adoption process with TBHC, click here.

Private Infant Adoption Program
    • This is a special program where the birth mother and families who have lovingly decided on adoption get to choose the adoptive family.
    • TBHC keeps a minimum of  10 families in our private infant adoption program.
    • We work with anywhere from 3-6 birth families a year to help them plan their adoptions or provide services while making their adoption decisions.
    • Birth families get to choose from the different adoptive families that we have in our program. TBHC works with both the birth mother and family to make sure we have a great match for both parties. (Birth Mothers, check out our webpage about birth mother information to learn more about the adoption planning process.)
    • The wait for the TBHC Private infant program for adoption families can be about 2 years, depending on the families’ openness and the choices of the birth family.
    • This program’s fee is 20% of the family average gross income over the past two years, with a minimum of $15,000 and not exceeding $30,000.  This is used to pay for the birth parent expenses allowed by law, legal fees, and our ministry’s continuation to birth parents and prospective adoptive parents.
    • Requirements for adoption families
      • If married, have been married at least 3 years.
      • Employment Stability
      • Emotional Stability
      • Clear Background Check
      • Attend quarterly meetings at Waxahachie CampusRequirements
      • Between the ages of 24 and 50

To inquire about the private infant adoption program, click here.

So here are two opportunities for adoption in the state of Texas.  Speak with one of our recruiters to help you begin your adoption journey today!


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